Pro Products That Sell

Our enlargements and designer layouts will
differentiate you from your competition.



Willy “the Actor” Sutton was a famous bank robber. A newspaper reporter once asked him, “Why do you rob banks?” Sutton smiled and responded, “Because that’s where the money is.”

Enlargements are to photographers what banks were to Willie Sutton. Whether you’re using enlargements in albums or selling them as wall decorations in your clients’ homes, these prints contribute a lot to your profits. Your ability to produce superb enlargements is also one of the primary reasons why people come to you and use your services.

What makes a great enlargement?

First, of course, is the picture you take.

Second is the composition that gives the print its artistic look.

Third is perfectly balanced color on a print that has an image that seems to pop off the paper.

Fourth is presentation. Perhaps it’s the texture of the paper or tasteful framing.

Put all these elements together and you have an enlargement that say, “This picture was taken by a pro.”

How we can help -

The beauty of ROES is that you can instantly crop any picture exactly as you want it. You see your picture in the layout window, cropped to the aspect ratio you’ve chosen. Then, you can zoom in and place your picture for the most aesthetic presentation.

Does your image need a full frame print size like 8” x 12” rather than a traditional 8” x 10” print? No problem. Just double-click the 8” x 12” print size in our catalog and it will pop up in the layout window.

We individually color correct every enlargement that goes through our laboratory. The correction is done by a Master Technician…not an automated computer. So no matter what your subject, you can always count on “knock-out” color.

You can also choose from matte (luster E surface), glossy or Kodak Endura Metallic paper. This will add the character to your enlargement that says “Pro.”

Enlargements are just one of many products we can provide to help you succeed. If you ever have any questions, please call us at (800) 327-1776. We’re here to help!